Uses of Package

Packages that use org.custommonkey.xmlunit
Root of the XMLUnit 1.x compatibility layer.
  • Class
    Callback interface used by DifferenceEngine to determine whether to halt the node-by-node comparison of two pieces of XML
    Compares and describes any difference between XML documents.
    Value object that describes a difference between DOM Nodes using one of the DifferenceConstants ID values and a NodeDetail instance.
    Constants for describing differences between DOM Nodes.
    Marker exception thrown by the protected compare() method and passed upwards through the call stack to the public compare() method.
    The pieces of DifferenceEngine's API used by Diff.
    Listener for callbacks from a DifferenceEngine comparison.
    Simple interface implementation that tests two elements for name comparability.
    Interface used by the DifferenceEngine class to determine which elements can be compared within a NodeList of child nodes.
    Adapts Swing HTML callback messages to Sax equivalents, passing them to a Sax-aware ContentHandler.
    Listener for callbacks from a DifferenceEngine comparison that is notified on each and every comparision that resulted in a match.
    Interface used by XpathEngine in order to map prefixes to namespace URIs.
    Parameter class for holding information about a Node within a Difference instance
    Encapsulation of the Node-by-Node testing of a DOM Document Uses a nodetype-specific NodeFilter to pass the DOM Nodes to a NodeTester instance that performs the acual Node validation.
    Perform Node-by-Node validation of a DOM Document.
    Thrown by a NodeTest that fails.
    Since javax.xml.namespace.QName is not present prior to Java5, this is XMLUnit's own abstraction.
    Implementation of NamespaceContext that's backed by a map.
    Uses Sax events from the ContentHandler and LexicalHandler interfaces to build a DOM document in a tolerant fashion -- it can cope with start tags without end tags, and end tags without start tags for example.
    Handy wrapper for an XSLT transformation performed using JAXP/Trax.
    Validates XML against its internal or external DOCTYPE, or a completely different DOCTYPE.
    A convenient place to hang constants relating to general XML usage
    Abstraction of an engine evaluating XPath expressions.
    Tracks Nodes visited by the DifferenceEngine and converts that information into an Xpath-String to supply to the NodeDetail of a Difference instance.
    A convenient place to hang constants relating to XSL transformations
  • Class
    Value object that describes a difference between DOM Nodes using one of the DifferenceConstants ID values and a NodeDetail instance.
    Listener for callbacks from a DifferenceEngine comparison.
    Interface used by the DifferenceEngine class to determine which elements can be compared within a NodeList of child nodes.
    Encapsulation of the Node-by-Node testing of a DOM Document Uses a nodetype-specific NodeFilter to pass the DOM Nodes to a NodeTester instance that performs the acual Node validation.
    Perform Node-by-Node validation of a DOM Document.
    Thrown by a NodeTest that fails.
  • Class
    Interface used by XpathEngine in order to map prefixes to namespace URIs.
    Abstraction of an engine evaluating XPath expressions.